Are You Ready
to Re-imagine
Your Future?

Building changemakers capacity, connectivity, and continuity for positive social change in line with the UN's SDGs

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We Create Together With


Local and central governments


Charities, community groups, sports clubs and community-led networks.


Supporting social impact through Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Social Innovation and the ‘Social’ in ESG.


Education and training boards, colleges and universities.

We Work With

We’re Working On

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Innovate Communities, along with key stakeholders in the Irish social innovation ecosystem, were invited to partake in a membership consortium to support the development of a blueprint for a Social Innovation Strategy and Action Plan.
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Government faces challenges in solving complex policy issues on their own, as they may lack the necessary insights and perspectives of citizens. Without proper citizen engagement in public policy making, the resulting policies and services may not effectively address the needs of the people they are intended to serve.
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The lack of community readiness for climate action and the ability to respond in a productive way to government or local authority initiatives such as the forthcoming Decarbonisation Zone designation.

Our Knowledge Materials

Listen to our experts talk to innovative leaders

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I am not aware of a support structure in this space that brings in the principles of system thinking and change as an outcome of a community or entrepreneurial intervention, and when interventions are provided they are often short term in their offer of support.
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In this episode Fiona Descoteaux, CEO of Innovate Communities, talks with the fascinating Dr Andrew Forde. Andrew talks passionately about the formative moment in his career which set him on a journey to study human rights, taking him across Europe before arriving back in Ireland to commence a prominent position in the Department of Rural and Community Development.
Podcast Pictures Website (35)
In this episode Fiona Descoteaux, CEO of Innovate Communities talks with Paul Born the co-CEO and co-founder of Tamarack Institute for community engagement.

“Our staff away day in the Social Innovation Hub went very well. Your tools for change, in particular your approach of being descriptive rather than prescriptive was very effective and of interest for our work. For the managers on the Ombudsman side, it is always very useful to be aware of community groups and social innovation.”

Elaine Cassidy, Director General, Office of the Ombudsman Ireland
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