
System Change in Financial Models for supporting Sustainable Development Priorities

With the world facing major challenges such as climate change, inequality and hunger, we need sustainable development now more than ever – but it needs adequate financing (World Economic Forum, 2023).

Financing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement objectives – to avoid dangerous climate change by limiting global warming – requires massive public and private investment to make them a reality for all people, everywhere. Financing for sustainable development is based on the paradigm that to achieve the SDGs and the Paris Agreement objectives, it is necessary to unlock the full potential of all financial flows – private and public, domestic and international.

Innovate Communities is working internationally with Government, Private Sector, Community Sector and leading agencies to develop a global approach to facilitate the flow of private, public and government funds to support and develop our Sustainable Development Goals.

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 02 - Zero Hunger
Goal 03 - Good Health and Wellbeing
Goal 04 - Quality Education
Goal 05 - Gender Equality
Goal 06 - Clean Water and Sanitation
Goal 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
Goal 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth
Goal 09 - Industry Inoovation and Infrastructure
Goal 10 - Reduced Inequalities
Goal 11 - Sustainable cIties and Communities
Goal 12 - Responsible Consumption
Goal 13 - Climate Action
Goal - Life below Water
Goal 15 - Life on Land
Goal 16 - Peace and Justice
Goal 17 - Partnerships for the goals
